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Facebook recognizes Fatherhood group started by a local Williamston man

and last updated

WILLIAMSTON, Mich. — Dr. Christopher Lewis is a father of two daughters and in 2007 he started a Blog called Dad of Divas. This blog was a way for him to be able to connect with other fathers but also to learn from other dads about being the best dad that he could be. Over the years through his Dads in the Limelight series he interviewed over eight hundred fathers from across the world and learned quite a bit about fatherhood.

Being a father of daughters and growing up in a home without a sibling he had to learn a lot about raising a daughter. Through many years of writing and talking to others he learned a lot about raising daughters but also about what dads need to be able to be good dads. Part of that is the need to connect with other dads.

Knowing this, in February 2018 he decided to start a Facebook group called Dads with Daughters. The mission and vision of this group was

Vision: A world were fathers are active participants in their daughters lives and raise them to be strong independent women.

Mission: Dads with Daughters strives to create supportive online communities, produce trainings, and highlight promising practices for fathers to better understand themselves and their daughters.

Over the first part of the group Dr. Lewis stated that he saw tremendous growth from all over the world, however the common denominator among all of the members was the deep love that they have for the daughters that they are raising.

In February 2019, Dr. Lewis and the other administrators within the group were contacted by representatives of Facebook. They were informed that Facebook was working to tremendously increase the membership within groups upon the platform and that Dads with Daughters was one of the groups that had been selected. As a part of this Facebook was planning to create a commercial that they would use to let people know about the group itself. In April 2019 the commercial was created in New York City and just this week the commercial was released and can be seen on all of the major networks.

This commercial has continued to open the group up to membership from the entire world. When looking at the demographics of the group currently the group is seeing the following within its 15,000+ members.

Dr. Lewis hopes that the group continues to grow and allows dads from across the world to learn and grow together while they work to raise confident, strong independent daughters.

If you would like to join the Dads With Daughter Group, it is open to all dads raising daughters!

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