LANSING, Mich. — New Year's Eve is welcoming in a new decade, and with that people celebrating the start of 2020 should be prepared to get home safe.
The end of the year marks a dangerous time to be driving, and organizations like AAA are reminding people to be safe. According to a report by the CDC, an estimated 10,511 alcohol-impaired driving deaths occurred in 2018.
AAA said that nearly 54 percent of traffic deaths in Michigan during the holiday season, Dec. 21 through the 25, are alcohol related.
And with the legalization of recreational marijuana, there's added concern of people driving while high. The CDC reported that around 12 million U.S. residents 16 and up reported driving high from marijuana.
The penalty for killing someone while driving intoxicated in Michigan is 15 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.
With all the concern circling New Years Eve and safe driving, there are a few options when it comes to safe driving.
AAA is offering one solution.
People can get free, confidential rides and their car towed safely home within 10 miles from Dec. 30 to 6 a.m. on Jan. 2
There are some restrictions, such as they can not take more than two people typically, and you cannot make call and make an appointment for a ride.
To use AAA's Tow to Go service contact this number (855) 286-9246
Jackson Area Transportation Authority (JATA) is also offering free rides home.
People can book their rides starting at 11 p.m. New Year's Eve night until 4 a.m.
JATA wants to remind people that this is a way to make sure you get home safely and not to another event.
"It's not going to go bar to bar, or party to party. It's going to take you home and it's county-wide so it'll go anywhere in the county. We'll drive you home to make sure you get home safe," Chad Cumberworth, of JATA, said.
To book a ride call JATA recommends calling 45 minutes in advance, the number is 517-788-8410.
Other options are to use Uber and Lyft.
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