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Gov. Whitmer signs supplemental budget package

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LANSING, Mich. — The Governor of Michigan signed all of the bills for the Fiscal Year 2020 supplemental budget on Friday.

“This is a good deal for Michigan taxpayers that will provide essential funding for public health, public safety, and public education,” said Governor Whitmer. “Like any good bipartisan agreement, this includes funding priorities that both parties support. We all know that this process hasn’t been easy, but at the end of the day, we were able to work together in a bipartisan manner to reach an agreement that will benefit everyone in Michigan.”

According to Whitmer, the supplemental budget includes $45 million for the Department of Corrections, which will allow upgrades to tethers to continue monitoring dangerous felons. It also funds the continued operation of vocational villages, which work to ensure returning citizens have the skills they need to get a good job.

It also includes $4.5 million for the department of heath and human services for lead and copper rule implementation and $15 million to EGLE, which will fully fund the governor’s $120 million executive recommendation to help clean up drinking water, according to the release.

It will also fund literacy coaches at the executive recommendation ($10.5 million), which will triple the number of literacy coaches in our state.

And it will fund critical public safety measures, including $33 million for key services, like maintaining the public safety communication system used by first responders across the Michigan.

Whitmer also signed as part of the supplemental budget, a bill that would require the Michigan Legislature to provide the governor with a budget proposal by July 1.

“This is an important reform that will ensure our public schools know what their budget will be at the start of their fiscal year,” said Whitmer. “I’m glad that in the future, the legislature will roll up their sleeves and get a budget to my desk before their summer break.”

Chris Wigent, executive director of the Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators, responded to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s signature of the supplemental budget agreement.
“The governor’s actions today represent a win for the K12 community,” Wigent said. “The supplemental budget that was signed today represents a significant investment in literacy coaches and certainty for some of Michigan’s smallest and most isolated communities.”
“While we would certainly have preferred to see a greater focus on a weighted funding formula, leaders in Lansing now have an opportunity to roll up their sleeves and get to work on a comprehensive budget plan for next year that prioritizes students with the highest levels of need and the adequate funding to go along with it.”

Rep. Sarah Lightner of Springport – a member of the House Appropriations Committee – issued the following statement after Gov. Whitmer signed supplemental budget measures restoring funding for essential services:
“It’s been a long journey, but after months of hard work I am glad to say the Legislature and governor have come together to restore funding for the essential services people rely on every day. Public safety, health care and education will all benefit from this agreement.
“I am particularly pleased a measure I fought for – restoring payments in lieu of taxes from the state to local communities related to public lands – is included in this solution. This alone will provide more than $27 million statewide for communities to provide local services.
“I am optimistic this agreement is a sign of good things to come for all Michigan residents. As always, I am ready, willing and able to work with anyone who will put aside partisan politics and do what is best for our state’s families and taxpayers.”

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