

Governor Snyder meets with Black Caucus about Col. Etue's social media post

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The fight to force the Director of the Michigan State Police, Colonel Kriste Kibbey Etue, to resign is not over yet.

Last week several Michigan Legislative Black Caucus members had agreed to stop pushing for her resignation and to find a way to get past the NFL players knelling during the anthem controversy. Tuesday we learn that not every member in the group feels that way.

Tuesday the Black Caucus met with Governor Snyder to discuss the possible disciplinary action against Col. Etue, and their desire for her to resign. 

Col. Etue could face up to five days suspension if an internal investigation finds her post warrants misconduct.

In the meeting the Black Caucus told the governor that the colonel's possible punishment isn't harsh enough. Since Colonel Etue is the head of the department, members said there should be reprimands for her Facebook post, despite her written and in-person apology.

They said that Colonel Etue should sustain a level of leadership both on and off the job. Representative and retired Detroit Police Sergeant, Betty Cook-Scott, knows Col. Etue's and said her level of leadership was not displayed in her Facebook post that called NFL football players "degenerates" who knelled for the anthem.

"Her message to the other officers was not a positive message in terms of calling other people degenerates because we have to tell our troops that we lead by example, and her leadership was poor in this event" said Cook-Scott.

The retired sergeant also said that the colonel should show more discipline in terms of her diversity and neutrality.

A retired detective for the Wayne County Sheriff's Deputy said that a possible five day suspension also does not set a good example for her fellow officers. "How do you send a message to the rest of the officers in the department you cannot do this, this will not be tolerated...with a five day suspension" the retiree said.

Cook-Scott said she also believed that her possible punishment does not send a good message, "we have to tell our troops that we lead by example and her leadership was poor in this event."

The members of the Black Caucus said they made sure they brought experts well versed in law and police backgrounds to Tuesday's meeting with the governor.

In addition to addressing their concerns with Col. Etue's possible punishment, members of the Black Caucus said they also called into question the lack of diversity in the Michigan State Police force. 
They said that the governor assured them they will continue to take it into consideration with all future hiring's. 
Members also said they would like to take an active role in key decisions, "we want to make sure that when we're there and our input is going to be felt by the full state of Michigan."

The caucus said the governor did agree to keeping an open dialogue in hopes of continuing to move forward.

As a response to the meeting Governor Snyder's office said: "Today’s meeting with the Legislative Black Caucus was a productive meeting with a good, open dialogue. The Governor intends to continue working with the Legislative Black Caucus and others on proactive ways to make Michigan a model for civility and how people can work together to get things done."

The investigation into whether Col. Etue should face discipline is still ongoing. The Black Caucus members said they are waiting for those results and then they can re-evaluate where they are and then go from there.