Happy Monday, Mid-Michigan! I'm coming to you from Kim Gamez's kitchen in Jackson, where she's teaching me some cool bar tricks. Here's the twist, the drinks are non-alcoholic! Kim is just one of many people in my neighborhood who is pursuing a side hustle for some extra income. Her brand, Sober(ish), started with her and her mom taste-testing non-alcoholic alternatives on social media. Now, Sober(ish) has caught quite a bit of traction. If you head over to the article, you can find out how, and see how my bartending skills are coming along!
top local stories
CATA updates due to spring break
As MSU’s spring break is officially under way, there are some things CATA wants neighbors to know.
Starting from today and running through the 9th most campus routes and services will not operate.
Other routes will be impacted as well such as routes 1, 20, 22, 23 and 26.
For more information click here
Frost laws go into effect
to help the condition of our roads the Ingham County Road Department will be implementing seasonal weight restrictions on roads, also known as frost laws.
In late winter when frost begins to thaw it can make some roads susceptible to damage from very heavy vehicles.
To prevent costly damage Michigan law enforces reduced loading from March through May, with adjustments based on weather conditions.
To find out more on frost laws click here
A look back at yesterday's top local story
A debate impacting neighbors is coming from the U.S. Capitol. Here’s the question: Should neighbors be required to provide proof of citizenship in order to cast a ballot?
Read the full article:https://www.fox47news.com/neighborhoods/state-capitol/save-act-debate-should-proof-of-citizenship-be-required-for-voting
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