(WSYM) - I'm your Fox 47 neighborhood reporter and I'm out and about in Grass Lake Township, talking to property owners and officials about the 700-acre solar energy project we told you about last spring. I'm told by Township Planning Commission Chair Tim Golding the company -- NextEra -- is still interested and the project is still in motion, with the Township drafting a new ordinance that aims to balance neighbors' concerns with promotion of energy alternatives in Michigan.
Today's Weather Forecast
A wind advisory will be in effect across our neighborhoods from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. due to winds gusting more than 40mph.
Snow showers are expected to move in this evening with minimal accumulation.
Temperatures should reach 34°F. Although the day will start out partly sunny, increasing cloud cover will build throughout the day.
Top Local Stories
Mason Downtown Development Meeting
The Mason Downtown Development Authority is hosting its first monthly meeting of 2025 today at 10 am at the Sycamore Room at City Hall.
You can voice your comments during the meeting in person or by emailing them by 9 am.
The meeting is expected to appoint new leadership and discuss new projects to grow downtown Mason.
VITA Tax Assistance Applications Open
As companies send out their W-2s, tax season is beginning across the country.
In our neighborhoods of Jackson and Hillsdale counties neighbors can get their tax returns prepared for free through the volunteer income tax assistance program at Community Action Agency.
Appointment registration opens today.
To qualify, your household income must be below $67,000.
MSU Mozart Birthday Celebration
For 14 years the College of Music at Michigan State University has honored Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with a birthday concert, and this year it falls directly on his birthday.
You can attend the concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Fairchild Theatre in East Lansing.
Tickets are $17 for adults and only $7 for students with a valid ID.
Reserved seating can be purchased online or at the door.
A look back at yesterday's top local story
High school artists from 20 area schools are presenting 148 pieces at MSUFCU’s annual exhibit, neighbors can vote for their favorites.
Read the full article: MSUFCU hosts 18th annual student art exhibit, showcasing local talent
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