(WSYM) - FOX47 News is helping inform you of the top local stories in your neighborhood. Happening Today helps neighbors know what is going on throughout the day.
Today's Weather Forecast
A brief round of showers is possible this morning, with mostly cloudy skies on tap for the rest of the day.
Spring-like highs in the mid-40s are expected again, checking in around 10 degrees above average.
In addition to the morning showers, roads may remain wet from snowmelt.
Three top local stories
Resolution to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges
Republican State Representative Josh Schriver is expected to unveil a House resolution today urging the United States Supreme Court to overturn a past ruling that guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry.
According to Representative Schriver, 12 different representatives are co-sponsoring the resolution.
When the unveiling was announced yesterday, Michigan Dems Chair Curtis Hertel condemned the resolution.
First-time home buyer tips
Are you looking to buy a home for the first time?
The Mortgage Chicks, Nichole Johnson, and Monica Mays are hosting a free event to teach first-time home buyers tips and tricks when house hunting at the Lean Rocket Lab in Downtown Jackson.
Neighborhood reporter Olivia Pageau will attend the event, tune in to FOX47 NEWS at 10 to hear what tips the Mortgage Chicks have for you.
Library Glow Party
Your kids can have some free fun at the Capital Area District Library in Leslie today.
The library is hosting an after-hours glow party where kids can video games on the switch with fun glow bracelets, glow sticks and more.
Kids aged 8 to 12 are recommended to join in on the fun from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Capital Area District Library in Leslie.
A look back at yesterday's top local story
The city says Sycamore Townhomes has not been in compliance for years, citing 149 red tags. This led to the receiver submitting a multi-million dollar plan that would maybe fix issues.
Read the full article: EFFORT TO FIX SYCAMORE: Receiver submits rehab plan
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