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Local dads celebrate Father's Day at the Lansing Art Gallery's newest exhibit

Metro Melik reflects on photos of his kids
Posted 1:40 PM, Jun 19, 2023

LANSING, Mich. — There are many ways to connect with your father on Father's Day, one of them being connecting over art, and that's exactly what happened at the Lansing Art Gallery this weekend.

"Do you guys hang out together a lot. What is special about tonight," I asked George Davis and George Davis Jr.

"We didn't come together," they jokingly replied.

They ran into each other and connected over art at the Lansing Art Gallery.

"We have a first ever all Black artists art exhibit called Black and Creative, which will run for two weeks at least in our gallery. We have over 22 artists that are displayed here," Najeema Iman said.

Metro Melik thought what better way to share his world than displaying photos he took of his kids.

"We have four kids all together. This is Rayden, and this is Kieran," he explained. "I just wanted to showcase a juxtapositioning of happy children. These are my children. I'm an involved father."

He wanted to represent for all the other fathers in the community like George Davis.

"I had a great example. I just had a good example. I mean he gave myself and my siblings everything that we needed. Things that we wanted. He was fair, most of the time," George Davis Jr. said about his father.

And George Davis was appreciative to see his son and celebrate Father's Day with him at the gallery.

"It just goes on and on, and I appreciate that. Happy Father's Day," said George Davis.

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