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March for Life event held in downtown Lansing

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LANSING, Mich. — On this date, Jan. 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court issued the landmark 'Roe v. Wade' decision giving pregnant women in America the right to choose.

This historic event is why pro-life groups have chosen this day to hold "March for Life" rallies across the country, including the State Capitol building in downtown Lansing.

Right to Life activists told News 10 the march was all about spreading the word about their right to life message.

Genevieve Marnon, the legislative director of Right to Life, said the march was held to protest the Roe v. Wade decision, she said the decision has taken more than 60million lives.

Activists like Soraya Nowland say they do marches because it rings home for them.

"The reason why I believe it's so important is because first off, it's like, it's humanity," said Soraya Nowland. "Truthfully, I just bought the lie when the doctor said all it is is a clump of's not," Nowland said.

Nowland told us that she was faced with the decision right after college. She said she believes if someone had been outside protesting abortions when she was considering getting one, it may have stopped her.

"Well the outcome was that I did not choose life and that's why I'm such a strong defender of it today," she said.

Protestors said the main take away they wanted the public to get from seeing them march is that they believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

"It's not settled in the minds of millions of Americans and it's time (Roe v. Wade) be revisited and overturned," said Marnon.

Marnon said March for Life has been going on for 47 years and activists say the march will continue to happen until the law is changed.

Michigan pro-life representatives and residents will be traveling to Washington, D.C., for the national March for Life on Jan. 24.

Members of Michigan's Right to Life chapters will take 20 buses, and an estimated 1,000 members, to the rally to protest the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.

The rally will take place at the National Mall.

You can get tickets for that trip by clicking here.

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