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People lining up for "Merry Christmas Rally" in Battle Creek

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LANSING, Mich. — President Trump has taken to social media to talk about the impeachment debate all day , and has said he won't be watching when the House votes, but his first live comments about the impeachment are expected to happen at his "Merry Christmas Rally" in Battle Creek on Tuesday night.

Fox 47's Kylie Khan is at the rally and said hundreds of his supporters have made their way to Battle Creek with some standing in long lines for several hours in cold temperatures. Vendors selling Trump-gear also lined the streets near Kellogg Arena along with police officers and Secret Service.

In order to get into the rally, you had to reserve your spot online, and some even arrived early Tuesday morning to make sure they got a good seat.

"You know, it's something to see the president of the United States, but to see the greatest president of the United States this president has ever known is something else. I really feel blessed to be in a country that we have a leader like this," Dale Picture, a Battle Creek resident, said.

Khan tells us a small group of protesters are also at the rally. Some of them say the process is corrupt and that they believe Democrats are spinning the narrative in their favor and that Republicans will take control again in 2020.

"It's not really a fair trial. What they're doing is controlling who they want to witness. They weren't allowing other witnesses. They're only allowing the witnesses that they wanted to hear," Larry Wicker, who is at the rally, said.

However, Tom Moran, who is at the rally, said he believes President Trump has overstepped.

"Trump crossed the line and something needs to be done, and I agree with Elissa Slotkin, my Congresswoman. There was no rush to judgment. She looked at the facts. She made a tough decision," Moran said.

Rolf Heubel said he believe President Trump is a threat.

"My duty is to protect the constitution and democracy, and I think that Donald Trump is a threat to the constitution, and a threat to democracy, and I'm worried about the next election. Will it be a fair election?" Heubel said.

President Trump is set to speak at the rally beginning at 7 p.m. and the impeachment vote is expected to be one of his talking points.

Vice President Mike Pence will also be at the rally.

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