

Phone outages in parts of DeWitt, Bath and Laingsburg

and last updated

Some customers in parts of Dewitt Township, Bath Township and Laingsburg area, are experiencing a phone outage. They are not able to make calls, including to 911. VOIP calls and most cellular calls are still able to call 911 and outside the exchange area.

Callers needing Police, Fire or EMS services can try to call 911 first. If the call fails, they can respond to their respective fire station. Bath and both Dewitt Township, Victor Township (laingsburg fire station 3) and Dewitt Area fire personnel are at their stations as an alternative if landline and cellular calls will not work.

Bath Township Police are staffing their office at 14480 Webster Rd instead of the fire department.

Dewitt Area Fire (City of Dewitt) 517-669-5004

Dewitt Township Fire Station 1 (Wieland/S Bus127) 517-485-9491

Dewitt Township Fire Station 2 (Herbison/S Bus127) 517-669-0071