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Planning group to look at long-range transportation policies


Regional planning leaders are scheduled to discuss long-range policies for transportation across seven Michigan counties.

The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments executive committee also will look Friday at pavement and bridge systems performance targets and infrastructure contracts. The meeting will be held in Detroit.

Implementation of the Southeast Michigan Traffic Safety Plan and Legislative Policy Platform Task Force activities are information items on the agenda.

SEMCOG's Fall General Assembly is scheduled Oct. 18 at the Sheraton Novi. Issues to be discussed include the upcoming 2019-20 state and federal legislative sessions, school-age population trends, parks and trails priorities, and the role of government in economic development.

SEMCOG supports coordinated local planning with technical, data and intergovernmental resources. It serves Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties.