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Schor wants Lansing residents tell the police when guns go missing


LANSING, Mich. — After a record year in gun violence in Lansing, mayor Andy Schor is planning to introduce an ordinance that would require gun owners to report missing or stolen firearms to Lansing Police.

Schor said the ordinance could help local police keep track of illegally obtained weapons in the city.

“Until people start reporting, we don't necessarily know," Schor said. "I believe that people are just very easily getting assault rifles…They're getting handguns. So we know that that's out there.”

There is already a state law on the books that requires gun owners report stolen guns, but this would require them to report missing guns to Lansing police directly.

Patricia Spitzley, a member of Lansing City Council and a firearm owner herself, said at a recent City Council meeting that she would support the ordinance.

“Everyone wonders what they can do to help with this," Spitzley said. "It’s a simple thing of, 'Do you know where your firearm is? Is it secure?'”

While Schor said this will not fix the problem entirely, it would be a good start.

“I'd like people to have recourse if somebody is careless with a gun and it's lost or stolen," Schor said. "I think that they need to be reporting that and let our officers know.”

Current state law assigns a civil violation and a $500 fine for not reporting a stolen gun. Schor said he does not yet know what the additional penalty would be under the new city ordinance. He said it would likely be a misdemeanor or civil infraction.

Spitzley said she hopes the ordinance will hold gun owners accountable.

“These issues are so complex. And it’s not going to be an overnight thing" Spitzley said. "We’re not going to eliminate it, but if it can save one or two people by doing these things, we’re on the right path.”

Schor plans to introduce this legislation to the City Council early next year.

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