

Schuette has $2.3M, Whitmer $1.5M in governor's race


Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette raised $1.2 million in the last three months and has $2.3 million cash on hand across two campaign accounts.

The attorney general, who is considered the front-runner in the GOP field, reported the fundraising haul before Wednesday's campaign finance deadline. He raised $705,000 since entering the race in September.

Other Republican candidates are state Sen. Patrick Colbeck and Dr. Jim Hines. Hines gave his campaign $75,000, bringing his total self-funding to $513,000.

Democrat Shri Thanedar on Tuesday reported giving his own campaign $2.7 million, bringing his total self-funding to nearly $6 million. Democratic front-runner Gretchen Whitmer raised at least $768,000 in the last quarter and has $1.5 million. Democrat Abdul El-Sayed has $900,000 in the bank after raising $612,000.