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State Emergency Operations Center deactivates its response to Northern Michigan wildfires


DIMONDALE, Mich. — "We're about 94% contained. We're working now at mop up, which is putting out any of the hot spots or smoke in the area, taking care of any trees that need to be extinguished," said Laurie Abel, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources public information officer.

As a wildfire in Northern Michigan stretched to hundreds and hundreds of acres, the State of Michigan Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) got involved.

"And with the governor's declaration, we activate the State Emergency Operations Center. And that's where we can send state assets to an event," said Michigan State Police 1st Lt. Gabriel Covey.

The SEOC brings in a team of emergency management workers.

"We have staff that will come down and help turn on this machine again, to push assets, to push resources, to help the locals in an event that of an emergency or disaster. We also have seats here for every state agency. So there's a subject matter expert from each state agency that will come in and occupy a seat," said Covey.

Like many workplaces, the SEOC has shifted since the pandemic and still is handling emergencies virtually.

"We can pull a quick teams meeting. Everybody gets on it, 'hey, I need trucks. I need this. I need that.' And it can come pretty quick," Covey explained.

He continued to explain that this is situation based, and for time sensitive emergencies where lives are on the line, the SEOC pushes for the team to be in person.

"On the team's platform, I know what I'm talking to. I know who this person is. If I have any other questions, I can reach out to them, so it's become a lot more efficient in that regard," Covey said.

The SEOC believes this gives them more flexibility to tackle emergencies such as the Northern Michigan wildfires.

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