

Vandals hit Lansing Trump office twice


Chris Garno says he offered up his real estate office on Michigan Avenue as an outreach center for Donald Trump's campaign in Downtown Lansing. "There's a lot of people in the Lansing area excited about Donald Trump's message," Garno said.

But he says, lately, that seems to make him a target. "We had bricks thrown through the window, we've had eggs plastered, ruining the paint here, our signs are taken down and smashed out front on a daily basis," he said.

Garno says this building has been hit twice in a week and a half, but these signs aren't the only ones that have been targeted.

"As I go around Lansing to talk to people that are excited about Mr. Trump's vision, I find that yard signs are being taken out of people's yards and destroyed throughout the city," Garno said.

He says he spoke with Lansing police, who say the vandalism is a misdemeanor. Garno says he doesn't want to retaliate, at lest not violently. "It was really disturbing, walked around the complex from my vehicle, and then to see that, when you're so excited about what's going on in America right now," Garno said. "We just keep putting them back up and just continue to push Donald Trump's message to the Lansing area."

He says he doesn't want what he sees as intimidation to stop anyone from going to the polls. He says it doesn't matter who you're voting for, but every vote matters.