JACKSON, Mich. — The City of Jackson said West Franklin Street will be undergoing construction starting next week.
On Monday, June 8, the city said West Franklin Street will undergo "full-scale reconstruction" between South Brown Street and South West Avenue.
The city said the $1.9 million project will fully reconstruct the street's infrastructure.
The city said the first step in the project is to install a new water main under the intersection of South Brown Street and West Franklin Street and restore pavement after the installation is complete.
The city said the work should take two weeks to complete.
South Brown Street will be closed to traffic during the period of construction and drivers will be detoured using West Morrell Street, South Wisner Street and West Michigan Avenue, the city said.
Access to home and businesses will be available during the construction.
The city said the West Franklin Street project is expected to be completed in Oct. 2020 and is part of the city's ongoing West Side Street Resurfacing Program, which has brought street resurfacings, curb repairs and sidewalk replacements to four residential streets over the past two years.
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