

Metro Detroit mom warns parents after daughter gets text demanding nude pics

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A mother is warning parents, after her daughter received a threatening text message.

Jackie Weeks tells me she monitors her daughter’s social media accounts closely, she even knows her daughters passwords.  But Jackie tells 7 Action News she doesn't know who sent the threatening text.

"I don't know who they are I don't know why they're texting my daughter," she says.

Jackie Weeks' daughter was sound asleep when suddenly her phone rang around 1 a.m. Her daughter didn't know who it was so she sent a text back to the number.

"She texted them and said ‘who are you why are you calling me’," Weeks says.

She soon received a text message back.

"Send us these nude pictures we have your IP address we can find you," is how Weeks describes the response.

The teen then woke up her Mother, telling her what happened.

"She asked me to come in the room and said somebody was threatening to kill her," says Weeks.

Weeks looked to see where the text came from.

"It was a random number from New York," Weeks says.

The text coming from out of state, telling the teen if she didn't send naked pictures, she would suffer the consequences.

"After they sent that they sent a picture of them holding a gun it was like a 9mm gun," she says.

White Lake police tell me this case is few and far between.

"I was surprised it happened, in this fashion, as far as text message,” says Chief Dan Keller. “This is one of the few I've seen, usually it comes over Facebook or Twitter."

Weeks thought she was overdoing it by going through her daughters Facebook messages and phone.

"I do monitor her Facebook. I monitor her Instagram. I have her password," Weeks says.  "I don't read all of her conversations but I know who she's talking to."

Weeks says in today's day and age, parents need to be alert and stay up to date with everything their children do online.

"Just read the messages, check their Facebook, whoever his or her Facebook,” she says. “Know the passwords is the biggest thing."

White Lake police tell me they are investigating this incident, but say it's still in the early stages. 

I'm also told Jackie and her daughter went through her social media accounts and changed security setting and passwords on them all.