

It's Star Wars Day: May the 4th be with you

It's Star Wars Day: May the 4th be with you
and last updated

It's not a national holiday, yet it might be an intergalactic one.

May the Fourth, as in "May the Fourth Be With You" has become a day to celebrate all things Star Wars, especially following last year's revival of the series with "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Comedy Central's "@midnight" got things started by launching a #StarWarsSongs hashtag, asking fans to come up with Star Wars themed song titles. Some of the responses include "Whiskey in the Jar Jar" and "When You Wish Upon a Death Star."

Retailers like Target and Wal-Mart are celebrating as well, with Star Wars promotions.

Star Wars' official website says "May the Fourth" references can be traced to 1979, but the day took off once the Internet started connecting fans.