
Shri Thanedar Invests Over $10 MIllion in his Primary Election Campaign


Democratic gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar released the following statement today regarding his personal contributions to his campaign:

“To date I have loaned my campaign over $10 million dollars. While I am considered rich by many people, I am not Rick Snyder rich or Donald Trump rich, and the money I’ve given to my campaign has been a big part of my my personal savings, that I earned by working hard, building small business and creating jobs.

“I came to the United States 40 years ago with only $20 in my pocket and eventually achieved my American Dream. I achieved my lifetime dream of becoming citizen of the USA, 30 years ago.  I’m incredibly grateful to the United States and the state of Michigan for giving me the opportunity to earn a Ph.D in chemistry, run small businesses and create hundreds of jobs. I am running for governor because I want to give back by helping every person in Michigan to achieve his or her own American Dream.”

Each of the Democratic candidates for governor have spent millions of dollars on his or her gubernatorial run. More than half of the contributions to Abdul El-Sayed’s campaign have been from wealthy donors and corporate executives who live outside of Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer has also gotten millions from wealthy donors and corporate executives, including executives from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

“Because of my personal contributions, I remain the only candidate in the race for the Democratic nomination for governor who is not beholden to the wealthy and corporate executives,” said Thanedar. “I look forward to winning on August 7th, shocking the world, and making Michigan an inclusive, progressive state where the economy works for every Michigander, not just wealthy individuals and big corporations.”