

Saint Johns launches campaign to raise money for Fantasy Forest 2.0 project

  • St. Johns launched a campaign to raise money for the Fantasy Forest 2.0 project.
  • The project will make the park more accessible and safe.
  • The campaign money will be doubled if the $75,000 goal is reached by October.

Turning fantasy into reality. I'm your neighborhood reporter Ava Zanglin in St. Johns with updates on the Fantasy Forest 2.0 Project, bringing accessibility to your neighborhood parks.
On Monday, St. Johns Mayor Scott Dzurka kicked off a fundraising campaign, inviting the St. Johns community to get involved in supporting the Fantasy Forest 2.0 project.

“We can do our part, but we can’t do it alone,” said Scott Dzurka.

They're asking our neighbors for help to revamp the aging park, addressing the need for modern, safe, and inclusive play areas.

“This park gets a lot of use, and I think as we move forward into Fantasy Forest 2.0, we’ll see a lot more access for all, an opportunity for people to come play with their kids of all abilities,” said Dzurka.

Dzurka recognized the diverse population the park attracts and hopes to accommodate them.

“We’ve been taking a lot of input from the community. We actually engaged parents and children to ask them, ‘What were they looking for?’” Dzurka said.

The upgrades feature enhanced security, side-by-side play for children of all abilities, and play structures that adhere to all age groups.

“We’ve been taking a lot of input from the community. We actually engaged parents and children to ask them, ‘What were they looking for?” said Dzurka.

Fantasy Forest Chairperson Jason Butler says the new park will honor the same values that made the initial park possible.

“The final playground will come into being in much the same way that the original playground arrived. Community involvement, spirit, and community funding,” said Jason Butler.

Dzurka said he hopes to have the funding by January and the updated playground open for use by this time next summer.

In St. Johns, I’m Ava Zanglin, Fox 47.