

Should you use a shock collar on your dog?

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The use of shock collars can be a heated debate among dog owners. While some find they work, others find them to be inhumane.

For Erich Laubert, he trained his dog using a shock collar for hunting purposes and to change some behavioral issues. He found it as a quick way to train his dog and says he does not have to use the shock collar on his dog Abby anymore.

“Most people will actually find a lot of results initially with the collar and then decide they don’t need to use them in the long term, or all the time,” said Laubert.

Dog experts warn the outcome might not be as positive as Laubert.

“I think shock collars should be used very sparingly and only by experts,” said Theresa Sumpter, director and founder of Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue.

She warns that using a shock collar can have a negative reaction, especially while at a dog park. The shock or even vibration of the collar could startle the dog into a defensive mode.

Sumpter recommends positive reinforcement first: Reward your dog with a treat when they do something good.

“If your dog has to have a shock collar on, I don’t think that probably your dog should go to a dog park,” said Sumpter.

She also does not recommend using the shock as an invisible fence.

“The problem is, it still allows other animals into your yard so if you have coyotes, foxes, you know, any other type of animal get into the yard and your dog is not able to get away,” said Sumpter.