

UAW workers at Ford, GM & Stellantis officially ratify new contract


The United Auto Workers union said officially Monday that workers at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have voted to ratify their new contracts.

Across all three companies, 64% of voting members approved the contract. It appeared last week that General Motors workers might have voted down the contract, but as more plants were added, the "yes" votes percentage went up.

Related: Track the UAW ratification vote statuses for Ford, GM and Stellantis

According to numbers posted by the union, 69.3% of Ford workers, 54.74% of General Motors workers and 70% of Stellantis workers voted to approve the contract.

“The members have spoken. After years of cutbacks, months of our Stand Up campaign, and weeks on the picket line, we have turned the tide for the American autoworker,” UAW President Shawn Fain said in a statement. “The Stand Up Strike was just the beginning. The UAW is back to setting the standard. Now, we take our strike muscle and our fighting spirit to the rest of the industries we represent, and to millions of non-union workers ready to Stand Up and fight for a better way of life.” 

In September, the union went on what they called a Stand Up Strike that targeted specific Big Three plants. The strike expanded as the weeks went on.

Ford was the first automaker to reach an agreement after more than five weeks of striking, followed by Stellantis and then GM.

Fain and the union had targeted double-digit wage increases among many other items when they went into negotiations.

The agreements reached included 25% raises for workers, the restoration of the cost-of-living adjustments, faster progression to the top pay, improvements to retirement and more days off.