
Walkway collapses at apartment complex in Detroit, two injured

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A balcony at the Anthoes Garden Apartments on Outer Drive collapsed Sunday mornings as two people were walking to work.

Eyewitnesses say a woman in her early 30s and a man in his 60s were walking on the outside walkway and fell through the third and second floor, landing on the sidewalk. Cement, concrete and metal fell on top of them, trapping them.

Neighbors pulled the woman out from the debris, and the man was trapped under several chunks of cement and said he could not breathe. Neighbors put car jacks under the cement to relieve pressure on him until EMS came.

Both are now at the hospital getting treated. The fire marshal told residents the building is condemned.

Firefighters used ladders to rescue people from apartments directly in front of the collapse, but people who live in apartments nearby are afraid to leave because of the walkway's instability.