

What are the next steps after the UAW reached a tentative agreement with Ford?

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The United Auto Workers union reached a tentative agreement with Ford on Wednesday, according to UAW President Shawn Fain, and now, there are several steps before it gets finalized.

The strike has been going on for 40 days against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, and Ford became the first automaker to reach an agreement.

Related: What benefits are in the 'historic' UAW tentative agreement with Ford?

According to the UAW, the agreement is just the first of five steps that will be taking place over the next several days.

Reaction after UAW and Ford reach tentative agreement

Fain said that the second step is the UAW National Council voting on whether or not to send the tentative agreement (TA) to the membership. Those leaders will come to Detroit on Sunday, Oct. 29, according to Fain.

The third step will happen Sunday night, if the UAW National Council sends the TA to membership. The union will host a Facebook Live on Sunday night to review the TA and put it online for members to review with highlights and other information.

Step four, according to Fain, is hosting regional meetings to walk through the tentative agreement with local UAW leaders, and the final step is holding information meetings and discussing the TA before the general membership holds ratification votes.

While all of this happens, UAW leadership has called on striking Ford workers to go back to work to keep the pressure on GM and Stellantis.

"The last thing they want is for Ford to get back to full capacity while they mess around and lag behind," UAW Vice President Chuck Browning said.