

Lawyers want MSU's Board of Trustees to change Title IX policy


A group of lawyers in Lansing want Michigan State University to change their policy. The lawyers sent a letter to the school last week regarding the changes they think the school should be making.

Two of the lawyers that FOX 47's Marcus Dash spoke with were very outspoken about this change. 

Michael Nichols and Karen Phillips of The Nichols Law Firm feel that the school's policy lacks due process. They feel that policy is one sided as the people who are accused of sexual assault have no real chance of defending themselves from the claims.

The current policy does not allow for the accused to question or cross examine their accusers. 

Nichols says the school must adapt these changes in order to be fair to everyone, "the best way to make sure everybody is protected is to have a process that looks a lot more like an american court system than a kangaroo court system."

On the other hand MSU trustee Dianne Byrum says, they have had an outside consultant looking into the school's current procedure long before they ever got the letter from the lawyers.

Byrum says the review of the school's Title IX policy will be done in the spring. If any changes are implemented, they will take effect next fall.