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Capital City Film Festival Announces Inaugural Poetry Project, Calls for Participation of 20 Local Poets

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LANSING, Mich. — Calling all poets! Capital City Film Festival (CCFF) is seeking 20 greater Lansing poets to participate in the inaugural Poetry Project. Directed by CCFF’s Poet-in-Residence, Nancy DeJoy, the program will include greater Lansing-based poets who will respond to the festival’s films and events, enriching the ways CCFF inspires the community. The CCFF will take place April 9 - 18 at multiple locations throughout Lansing.

Participating poets will be asked to reflect on a CCFF feature film or collection of short films through poetry. Poets will attend a workshop on how to respond and reflect on film as a medium using a form of ekphrasis poetry that has been adapted for film. Ekphrastic poetry was originally developed to respond to a painting or sculpture in ways that amplify its meaning, and more recently it was expanded to include interpretive responses to scenes. Following their selected film, each poet will have 24 hours to write a poem that responds to the work.

Poet-in-Residence Nancy DeJoy will then write a long-form piece using the individual poems. In addition, she will write and present an original poem that captures the spirit of CCFF, expanding on the elements of film, music and more. The entire collection of poetry will be published in a chapbook after the festival to commemorate the 10th annual Capital City Film Festival. The call for poets is open through March 5.

WHAT: Capital City Film Festival is seeking area poets to participate in the inaugural CCFF Poetry Project. Selected poets will receive a $50 stipend and must attend the workshop.
WHEN: The workshop takes place from 1–4 p.m. Saturday, March 14
WHERE: Lansing Public Media Center, 2500 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, MI 48910
APPLY: Please submit the application form to: []

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