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Music on Tap Series presents: A CABIN FEVER SHOW

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JACKSON, Mich. — The Jackson Symphony Orchestra is proud to announce its Music on Tap concert Cabin Fever on Saturday, January 18 at 8:00 PM at the Wax (Weatherwax Hall 215 W. Michigan Ave Jackson MI 49201,) and doors open at 7:30.

Cabin Fever featuring Up North Music with Troll for Trout

JSO’s Music on Tap series brings a great evening of “Up-North Music” to help ease your case of Cabin- Fever with Michigan’s own, Troll for Trout (T4T). T4T is about a lifestyle. It’s that excited feeling of leaving work early on a beautiful Friday afternoon and pointing your vehicle North. It’s about camping, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, cooking outside, good conversation around a campfire, reflecting, reading, and relaxing.

Tickets are $15, 00 in advance and $20.00 at the door.

Cash bar available



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