YesAround Town


Sandhill Crane Vineyard's Annual Halloween Party

and last updated

JACKSON, Mich. — It's time for our annual Halloween Party, Celebrate Halloween with us!

We’ve got a super fun DJ, mouth watering food from the kitchen, and of course great wine...

We will have Mid Michigan Entertainment DJ'ing the night away from 6:30-9:30pm

Come dressed in your best for the costume contest, winners will receive a gift certificate toward your next visit to the winery.
Contest includes:
Scariest, Sexiest, Best Couple Costume,
Most Creative, & Funniest!
& Best overall costume for SCV staff.

$5 Cover Charge
Wine by the glass or bottle, and ghoulish wine cocktails
will also be available for purchase.

Food: spooky Halloween themed appetizers and food specials available for purchase.

Time: 6:00 to 10:00 pm, live DJ from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.

6:00-Seating begins
6:30-Music begins
6:30-9:00- Tarot Readings!
8:00-Costume votes are collected
8:30 - Kitchen closes
8:30-Costume contest winners are announced
9:30-Last Call/Music Ends

Reservations are required for this event,
Seating is community style.

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