The City Rescue Mission of Lansing will be opening a drop-in center at the site of the former City Outreach. This ministry will continue the work of Mark Bozzo, founder of City Outreach, who passed away this spring. The purpose is to provide services to the most disenfranchised among the homeless population: those who struggle with addictions or mental illness. While the majority of the homeless population simply needs temporary support to regain independence, there are some who struggle with the structure necessary to accomplish goals of employment and a stable living environment. Since the closing of the City Outreach, this is a need not currently being met in our community. This drop-in center, with plans to be a 24/7 operation providing basic life services, will be critical for these homeless people, especially when the winter comes.
The drop-in center, called “The Outreach” of the City Rescue Mission of Lansing, will not only provide a safe haven to those who formerly came to the City Outreach, it will also remain at the former ministry’s location: 601 N. Larch. The Mission has plans to offer a safe, secure facility with laundry services, showers, and food.
Since the passing of Mark Bozzo was so unexpected, the City Rescue Mission has had to prioritize current services to determine the most critical issues facing our community. For this reason, the Mission is suspending its lunch meal to provide adequate funding for this new ministry. Guests will be given alternate service locations, and volunteers have been notified of the change that will take effect on November 1. At such a time as funding is in place for the Outreach, lunches may resume on a regular basis.
Those interested in learning more about the project or giving to meet this need can go to
City Rescue Mission of Lansing Information:
The City Rescue Mission of Lansing has served Michigan’s capital area for over 100 years. During that time, we have met the needs of homeless and low income families and individuals solely through private donations from our supporters. Our mission statement is “meeting physical needs to bring those with spiritual needs to Jesus Christ.” In 2017, we provided 50,889 nights of shelter, 98,405 meals, and 3,427 case management and counseling sessions at no cost to hundreds of women, children, and men in need in our community.