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Zachary Uribe

Integrated Account Executive

Name: Zachary Uribe

Title: Advertising Account Executive

Phone: 517-702-3128 Email: zachary.uribe@fox47news.com

1.Your key to success is?

I find success in the simplicities in life, waking up to have a cup of coffee with my wife is success to me.

2. What do you love most about your work?

I love people, I yearn to know people, and much of that desire comes from a quest for knowledge. Knowledge = understanding and being understood means feeling seen. To make someone feel seen is a driver to my force.

3. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

To always be genuinely myself, and unapologetically who I am. That advice has served me well.

4. What motivates you?

My faith in Christ, my wife and our pets and also the desire to find meaning in each day.

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